Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life is what you make out of it.

♪ ♫ ♪ i didn't know that i would love you like i do i didn't think that i was ready to
but there's something about the way you take my hand, it's like i never touched a man
and it's a beautiful thing you make me shy and  you make me proud
it's a beautiful thing you make me laugh out loud and when you pull me to you I unravel
i didn't know that love would fill me up so good i tried before but then you know it never would
but there's something about the way you call my name, now I'll never feel the same   ♪ ♫ ♪

What choices do we have in relating to life? What are the three positions to relate to life? Imagine life like a fast flowing river, where you can see the white foam on top of the waves. In this fast flowing river, you have three choices.

The first alternative is trying to swim upstream in opposition to the flow of the river. The second alternative is trying to hold on to a static position in the river by grabbing on to a branch of a tree, which hangs down over the river. The third alternative is simply relaxing and allowing us to be carried by the flow of the river wherever it takes us.

[01] The "No" - position
The "no" - position means to relate to life from a "no" - attitude. The "no" - attitude means to relate to life from our ego, from our separate ideas, desires, attitudes, dreams, illusions, ambitions, expectations and concepts about how we should be, about how other people should be and about how life should be.

The "no" - position is a defence and a separation towards life. The "no" - position means to resist the continuous flow and change of life. It is to separate ourselves from the joy and flow of life. The "no" - position is like closing the door from within so that life can not touch us.

[02] The "I want" - position
The "I want" - position is an aspect of the "no" - position. It means that we only open our inner window towards life when there is something special that we want from life.

In comparison with the "yes" - position - where we are open and available for life to give us what we really need - the "I want" - position is a state of desires, wishes, expectations and ambitions. When life do not give us what we think that we need, we close our inner window with a disappointed and disillusioned feeling that life do not give us what we need. We close our inner window again without being open for the possibility that life may do not give us what we think that we need, but that life gives us what we really need.

[03] The "yes" - position
Our heart is the door to trust life. Our heart is the door to surrender to life. Our heart is the door to allow life to guide us. Opening our heart means to learn to say "yes" to life. It means to allow us to receive the support from Existence, which gives us exactly what we need in exactly the right moment with more creativity and ingenuity than we can ever imagine.

The "yes" - position means to relate to life through our inner being, trough our authentic self, through the source of life within ourselves. The inner being is an inner space, an inner emptiness, where we can allow life to pass unhindered through us. The inner being is openness and availability to life.

Which position do you feel that you take in life?


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