Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our four day weekend.

Thursday evening my parents came down for the night. They brought my old hutch/china cabinet and table as well as a few other things with them. Since my parents and Chris' parents have never met we "took" them out to eat, so it was the six of us as well as two of Chris' sisters. One minute we were sitting around not talking and the next minute we were all sharing stories and laughing. It was great!

Friday morning Chris and I got up and made breakfast then Chris and my dad unloaded the stuff from my dad's truck. Everything was covered in ice, so as soon as it made it past the front door I was there ready to wipe the ice off with a towel. lol. My parents left a little before noon and we pretty much had a really lazy day. I took about a two or three hour nap. Saturday morning we went to Chris' mom's house for breakfast and to do the family Christmas, afterwards we came home, did our Christmas then went back to his mom's for lunch and to play Chinese Christmas. 

Today Chris' dad and his wife visited and we went out to eat with them. Had a wonderful time. I feel very blessed and loved to be a part of Chris' life and a part of his wonderful family. It's like I got a double dose, well, a triple dose of blessings actually. Not only to I have my amazing family, but I have his x2! ^.^


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